The Observatory is inside the Etna park headquarters and is open from Monday to Friday, from 10.00 to 13.00. To visit you must call (+39) 095 821 111 or make an appointment with the manager of Station, Ms Rosario Catania at (+39) 333 6981888.

Works as a technician of the microelectronics industry. Interested in volcanology, caving and astrophysics. The purpose of his amateur activities is identify changes in the resulting electromagnetic emission of magmatic or tectonic activity.



Geology, degree and Volcanology, PhD
Chief volcanologist of Etna volcanic Park

Renato Romero started low frequency research at the end of the 1980's, as INSPIRE collaborator. Since 1999 he has been the author of the best-known Radio Nature website www.vlf.it, an open laboratory where collaborators can share their experiences with others, around the world. In 2008 he published for RSGB the book "Radio Nature" and he is now the project manager of "VLF Openlab Observatory", a low frequency observatory network, and of "Opera 2015 "project, dedicated to radio seismic precursor. In its private life he works as radio frequency measurement consultant.

Alessandro LONGO
Hamateur radio since 1988, electronic hobby. Listening, monitoring and correlation study between VLF and seismic waves, maded on the place where he lives: on the slopes of Mount Etna, it is the largest active volcano in Europe .
ERO Sicily Station support team. Working as a technician in the IT sector and dealing with water supply, water sources and aquifers in Etna volcano area.

Alessandro BONFORTE
Volcanologist and Geophysicist Researcher at INGV-Catania, Osservatorio Etneo (www.ct.ingv.it). Expert on ground deformation study on volcanic and sesmic areas, by using space- and ground-based techniques and their integration for multidisciplinary approaches. Involved in several national and international projects, co-chair of the IAVCEI-IAG Volcano-geodesy joint commission (https://volcgeodesy.iavceivolcano.org) and Author of several international papers (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alessandro_Bonforte).
Computer technician and network administrator, of the ERO and Etna Park.



Federico SCREMIN
MD in Geological Sciences.
Technologist at Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Osservatorio Etneo (National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology - Etnean Observatory).
Electronic, passionate about science and always an experimenter, he observes the earth, the sea and the sky with antennas and radio receivers. Interested in radio astronomy, remote sensing technologies for the environment, in his free time he dedicates himself to music and kayak by sea. The experiments, the tools and results of the observations are described in the blog "Progetto RadioCielo" and in some publications dedicated to the world of amateur radio astronomy. Entrepreneur in the professional electronics sector.
Aircraft avionics engineer, expert in telecommunication. For years collaborator R.Romero in monitoring and study electromagnetic signals in the VLF, ELF and ULF frequency bands.

Nunzio Sambataro (IT9SAK) Belpasso (Catania) .
Works as technician of the microelectronics industry
Amateur radio since 1987 interest Amateur Television analog and digital
active on uhf 70 cm band and shf 23 , 13 , 3 cm .
Listen signal in VLF and ULF frequency band with simple downconverter to hf band
Interested in radio astronomy